Thursday, November 1, 2007

Retreat layouts and diary update

Well this is turning out to be more fun than I thought it would be although I'm not sure if its normal to lay awake all night wondering if people are going to check out your blog. Thanks to those of you who have had a look and made comments already...its like Christmas!

I'll start by showing you the layouts I have completed from the retreat, the rest will have to be UFO's for now (unfinished objects). The photos of the layouts are a bit dodgy - hopefully I will improve with this as time goes on.

I'd like to say a huge thanks to Gayle Smith who offered to design my blog for me. She's very clever with a computer and I think she's done a great job. I wanted a photo of wheat as the background for my banner and Matt (DH) insisted that it was our wheat so I had to jump the fence - take a photo - put it on the computer then email it to Gayle for her to edit for the banner...thank goodness for the digital age huh? Thanks Gayle - you're a gem!

Well the Varley group of scrappers that meet in my studio on Tuesdays started out really well this year doing 'Me Album' pages together in themes. Slowly over time though every one's got busy and it's been a bit quiet here. I've been traveling to Newdegate once a month and have had geat numbers and lots of fun with this group - you guys are great! The next dates for classes in Newdy are the 8th of November and the 29th of November which will wrap it up for this year. The Jerramungup girls are faithful as always and I've had a couple of days down there this year which is always fun as those of you who know Ann, Sally and Bernadette can imagine! I'm hoping to get down there one more time before the year is out as well as one or two more trips to Hyden. I'm also hoping to start meeting with a group in Ravensthorpe in the near future so as you can see the girls are far and wide but worth all the travel as they're all great gals!

One of the highlights of my year so far apart from retreats are visits from scrappers who come to my studio for a day or an overnight stay. This is so much fun as the girls get to see all my stock - not just a portion of it and it's much easier to browse though when it's all set up properly. Thanks to those of you who have been able to make it and to those of you who haven't, you are very welcome anytime - just call me to set it up - there's endless coffee, chocolate, laughs and late nights - hey Bernadette!

There's been some new stock arrive lately including a big top-up of Creative Imaginations scalloped paper which I have some new colours of. A new product that's hit Australia is the Heidi Swapp chipboard letters in metallics which I should have any day now - how exciting. New books, chipboard albums, papers, rub-ons, ribbon and finally refills for Xyron 150's have all arrived in the last week. (As if I need more stock!) And some very exciting books have just been released in Australia but are out of stock already so I'll keep you up to date on that - let me know if you want a copy of any of these so I can order the right amount. They include a new sketch book by Becky Higgins ( the 3rd), a new book by Ali Edwards and a new scrapping 6" x 4" photos book.

Well, another long post, there's just so much to tell you! Ciao.


Gayle said...

Hey Karen...not sure if you are already going to do this, but as new stock comes in you could put up photos of it....and a photo of all your stock set up would be cool too...
So happy you are enjoying blogging...don't worry you won't be so 'excited' for ever...hehehe

Anonymous said...

Luv the layouts Karen. Any idea when you are going to be able to fit in the Jerry trip? Also I'm always up for a good book - put my name down for all 3!
Cheers, Ann

Sharon Manning said...

Your layouts are great and you finished cutting out that pattern paper on the side of your Pandora page! Worth the effort I think.
I don't think you are that illiterate when it comes to computers - you are doing great!!!