Sunday, November 4, 2007

Home again and another layout...

I'm back from getting food supplies and this time I stocked up real good and made sure there was plenty of everything...let's see how long it lasts with 4 hungry men to feed and two hungry kids. I havent had time to scrap yet because I've been packing food away and sorting the pantry, freezer and fridge but I did find a minute to add finishing touches to my Crhistmas layout from Alli's class at the retreat. Here it is...the papers a little busy but so was Christmas morning!

Thanks to everyone who has left comments - it's so nice to make contact! Yes I am deprived of female company at the moment especially of the scrapping kind so it's lovely to hear from you. Gayle suggested that I put up photos of the new stock as it arrives so you can see it so I'll see if I can manage that.

One thing I have got to show you is some folk art pieces I di about 8 years ago. I was a folk artist before I was a scrapper and I dont do it anymore. I had forgotten that I still had some stuff that hadn't sold and I found it while I cleaning out a cupboard. I'm keen to move it on if any of you are interested in any of the pieces...they are American Naive style folk art which I was right into.

That's all for now folks!

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