I want to say a (late) greeting to you all. To those of you who I know, THANK YOU for being my friends throughout the year - new and old - I have enjoyed getting to know you, spending time with you and being inspired by you. To those of you who I don't know (yet) Thank You for visiting my blog - I hope I get to meet some of you someday. I wish you all a very special holiday season spending time with loved ones and making more incredible memories together.
I had a wonderful Christmas day spent with my family and my husbands family, eating lots of good food and celebrating. I took far to many photos but what the heck - I have a license to - I'm a scrapbooker! Only trouble I'll have is picking which ones to scrap. Boxing day has been very relaxing spending time at the beach and enjoying more good food. I love food by the way. I think I'll have to start walking every morning to keep the kg's off.
I apologise for the late greeting. Getting ready to go away and then only having one day in civilisation to get Christmas shopping, food shopping and paying the month end bills was a bit of a challenge that left no time for me to get within ten feet of a computer. I hope to keep in touch each day now as I'm officially on holidays and supposed to be putting my feet up. I'm hoping to scrap of course but cant upload photos to my blog until I get home later on.
I gave my brother his (unfinished) album for Christmas that I have been working on for the last few months and he LOVED it. I was a little worried because he's an arty person and a bit of a perfectionist, but he was very impressed and said he'd give me lots more photos to put in his album plus the stories to go with them. A compliment I think. So i have lots more work to do - but I'm looking forward to it.
I hope to post again soon before New Year, but have a great week anyway.