My Mother-in-law, God love her, offered to stay with my kids so I could go to see my brother, Dean, who is having chemo for Leukaemia in Perth. It took a bit to convince me to go but I'm so glad I did. I got to spend quality time with him without distractions and it was precious. He's doing ok - not easy though.
Just before I left to go to Perth on Friday (for a wedding) I got lots of parcels of new goodies in and want to share them. One crisis I have had over the years is finding masculine and boyish papers and embellies. Well there is no shortage of them now. Here are a few new ranges that are sure to please all of you out there who love doing boy/men pages. Firstly, there's the new Crate Paper - Static range. Its a little 'surfy' but would suit any theme and there's lots of products to choose from. I have some pages in mind for this range so when I get some time I'll go to and do some layouts with it.

Then there's the brand new range - Little Yellow Bicycle - which once again is very boyish. I love the intense colours. I have papers, chipboard and rub-on's in stock - must haves.

There are heaps of new Basic Grey clear stamps and I have some in stock - they are really TDF.

And lastly, and oldie but a goodie - I have lots of Scenic Route chipboard letters in stock - the colours are amazing.

I don't have any other scrapbooking news to share except that I had an awesome day teaching in Newdegate again - always do. I'm looking forward to sitting down to my pages-in-progress tomorrow. Bye for now.
glad you had a nice time with Dean, how special. can't wait to get my hand on that new range ...
Hi Karen
Just wanted to say I was flicking through Scrapbooking Memories magazine and was very surprised to see a write up all about you! Congratulations, it looks great!
Sarah Argent
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