Monday, April 7, 2008


...The first statewide locally run Scrapbook Convention to be held on the 10th - 12th of July 2009. I recently shared my dream to hold Perth's first locally run event of this calibre, at the Hyden retreat. It has only been done once before but was run by a Sydney publishing company. My intention is to do it again, run by locals who know what locals want. I will be running this event with the help of Sharon Manning and many other enthusiastic girls who want to see this happen. Sharon posed the question on her message board at about what people want in a retreat. Many comments were made and we have come up with what we think will be an event not to be missed. We have been researching venues and so far we like The Vines Resort in the Swan Valley, Perth. I am currently negotiating prices and hope we can come up with an affordable price although we all know that comfort comes at a price. The good news is that the venue is available and we have plenty of time to save and organise our families around the weekend. I'll be emailing out 'expressions of interest' shortly where you can let me know what you expect. I am so excited about this event and have my husbands full support to make my dream a reality. Stay tuned for more details as they come about. Yeehah!


Anonymous said...

Great news Karen! If anyone can make it happen you can and what's more we know it will be a great weekend!

Julie said...

Hey there Karen,
Woo Hoo,
Fantastic babe,
I did love the Hyden Retreat and I know that I would enjoy anything that you come up with.
Good luck with it all.
Waiting in anticipation.
Julie Moore
The Perth Girls he he