While I was in Perth Matt and I went venue shopping with Sharon Manning for the Perth retreat. We looked at budget facilities which were good but lack of space for the main scrapping area could be a problem if we have anymore than 100 ladies attend. I expect that and more judging by the responses we've had so far. We also went to the Vines Resort to check out scrapping space and sadly although the Resort itself is excellent, their conference room is smaller than the Hyden hall and we would be battling to fit even 100 ladies in. So we have decided to keep looking and I've got a few great venues in mind so stay tuned.
After my last post on Sunday I went out to turn the lights off in the scrap room and was enticed into doing a quick layout. Unfortunately it was not my best work but its another memory recorded.

I did a layout today for my class at Newdegate on the 30th of April. It's a layout using Making Memories flowers and buttons which I've layered and I love the result. I love the pastels colours so much I may have to use these again on a vintage layout! I'll have to post the layout tomorrow as I did not photograph it today.
While I was in Perth we received confirmation that my brother, Dean, after a bone marrow test, has leukaemia again. Although he is quite unwell the outlook is ok. He will start chemo next Monday and when he is in remission he may undergo a bone marrow transplant. At this stage it looks as though they have 3 donors in Australia who are a match which is fantastic news. Thank goodness for these people who have gone to the effort to be registered bone marrow donors. At this point in time we are all staying positive and hopeful.
Toodle pip!
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