Well, by now you should have received a brochure for the 6th Wave Rock Scrapbooking retreat from me via email. If you haven't please let me know, I may have misplaced your email address or I don't have it. It's all happening now. Drum roll...it's official...our tutors for this retreat are...Alli Paterson, Sharon Manning and Gayle Smith! YAY! Sadly Lis Cassey has declined but I'm sure she will be back. So be watching this space and the girls blogs late in February to see sneak peaks of the classes on offer. Book your babysitters and tell your family's your busy on the 28th - 30th March. Cant wait!
I did a little scrapping today with the local girls and Ann (twice in one week you wicked thing!). It was good to get the 'anal' layout finished and I'm not stoked with it but the memory is recorded and I'm not doing it again. It's so much about the photo though isn't it? You should see Jett's lips shaped as he's saying choo choo choo as he pushed his trains along...priceless (heart swells).

I even whipped up a second layout. A masculine one Matt will be proud of - it's about him and our little man whose loves trucks...Truck was one of his first words. I even got the paint out for an un-anal swipe swipe for the corners of the page - wonders never cease.

That was sadly the last of my scrapping for the next three weeks as I'm about to take off on my Island holiday - tough hey? I'll laze on the beach dreaming up the layouts I'll do when I get home.
That's about all I've got time for, for today. By the way can anyone tell me... when did 4 year old's, when they've been asked to help with something, start turning around and saying..."alright...whatever" with a sigh?
Great layouts Karen. Can I snap up that truck one for my masculine layouts blog...if you haven't been there yet it is www.masculine-scrapbooking.blogspot.com
There is a comp at the moment for layouts about our partners jobs.
Hi Karen
Was wondering if you could e-mail me your retreat info.
Hi Karen,
I was wondering if you had a couple of spaces left in the 6th reatreat
My name is Julie and a friend and I would love to come.
We know Sharon Manning
Could you e-mail me any info and prices oleas
Thanks Julie
BTW love the truck layout.
Hi Karen
Can you please send info about the retreat? Thanks
Sarah Argent
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