I'm home working on preparation for the 6th Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat which is being held on the 28th - 30th of March 2008. It's all coming together and I should have brochures and applications out next week sometime so if you don't receive one from me let me know and I'll forward one on. Everything is booked and just waiting on a few details...only 2 months to go now, so I'm getting excited.
I managed to put some finishing touches on some of my Christmas layouts today. The first is of the Varley Christmas Tree, a local event held just before Christmas each year (obviously). All the locals come together and have Mass, Christmas carols and then Santa comes laden with gifts for all the kiddies. We've been going each year since we arrived in Varley (almost 6 years ago!) and each year it's more fun for us as our kids get older and enjoy the anticipation and excitement of celebrating and receiving gifts. Phoebe is old enough now to understand whats going on and this year she loved her Dora the Explorer Lego set. Jett was a bit unsure about Santa though.
I used a Paper Salon background paper - which I love. Also, Making Memories green glitter letters and some Love Elsie Christmas ribbon (TDF). It's a simple layout I know but I intend to do about 6 Christmas layouts so no time for rocket science!

The second layout I have to show is our Christmas Eve celebration. We had dinner with my family - my brother, Dean, made Mexican which was to die for, my favourite food at the moment. The kids blew bubbles and chased them, and had cup cakes for Jesus birthday - the reason we celebrate Christmas. After dinner we were all exhausted so we sat and watched carols on TV. I used Love Elsie Christmas papers and chipboard buttons for this layout...I'm getting some mileage out of these papers, something I didn't expect. The papers are a little dark in colour but still nice and really good for kids or casual layouts.

I'm currently working on a layout but it's taking a long time to finish because I'm actually paying great attention to detail and technique - something I don't do much of these days as I'm usually trying to keep things simple and quick. I'm really pleased with it so far - just got journaling to do so I'll show soon.
For now I'm off to an Australia Day BBQ with friends (of course!).
Chink chink...cheers my friends.
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