Well, it's nearly show time! Only 1 sleep to go (not including this one which I am missing out on) to the 15th Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat.
This retreat has been a feat to say the least but we are ahead of schedule and ready to go. I had a little op last week that I new was coming so I prepared well and truly in advance (just in case) and fortunately it went well so we are prepared. I have had some wonderful helpers who have made it possible including my wonderful friend Ann who stepped in while I had the op to man the shop for a couple of days and put together some of the kits. Thanks Ann!!
So tomorrow we will put the finishing touches together and we are all stations go. I am so excited that some girls are coming early too - too much excitement to come on time!
I will be updating throughout the weekend on Facebook so you can see what we are up to.
I look forward to seeing you here in Hyden for those of you who are coming. Sorry if you cant make it but I will post projects after the retreat so you can see what we have been up to.
My apologies for being a bad blogger...just so crazy busy all the time!
Thanks for looking! xx
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Counting down...
Hi there readers! Long time no post, I know...been a little under the weather of late. This doesn't mean I haven't been busy though. The October retreat is now only 5 and a half weeks away and I have been overwhelmed by the response to applications so far. I already have 50 applicants! I'm amazed that so many ladies would come to our outback town, for my humble event....grateful to say the least!
I hate posting without a photo so here's a sneak peak of one of Mistra Hoolahan's classes she will be doing....YUMMY! We are showcasing new mixed media products on the market, as well as new releases by Dusty Attic, and we have a new tutor, Michelle Grant coming all the way from Brisbane...YAY! If you haven't taken the plunge and sent me an application for the retreat please do so asap as class requirements will be out soon and you don't want to miss out! Anyway, here's the sneak....
Thanks for looking!
I hate posting without a photo so here's a sneak peak of one of Mistra Hoolahan's classes she will be doing....YUMMY! We are showcasing new mixed media products on the market, as well as new releases by Dusty Attic, and we have a new tutor, Michelle Grant coming all the way from Brisbane...YAY! If you haven't taken the plunge and sent me an application for the retreat please do so asap as class requirements will be out soon and you don't want to miss out! Anyway, here's the sneak....
Thanks for looking!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The 15th Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat...
I am pleased to annouce that I have opened registrations for the October retreat here in Hyden! Stay tuned to your (e)mail box for the application and brochure. If you dont receive an email me and would like to attend the retreat them please email me and I will reply.
the 15th
Wave Rock
Scrapbooking Retreat
– 21st October 2012
It is my absolute pleasure to open registrations
for the October 2012 retreat! I am looking forward to the retreat with great
anticipation and I would love it if you would join me for a weekend full of
inspiration, laughs, good company and a great shopping experience. Scrappin’
Outback will once again have the shop on site with a huge range of scrapbooking
supplies that has expanded even more.
will be inspired by an amazing line up of tutors, so be quick to put your
application in to so you don’t miss out!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Albany retreat and news...
Hello blog readers! I'm back finally - so much going on that I've neglected my blog. I have, however, opened a facebook page for Scrappin' Outback so you can find me on Facebook now if your into that. I decided to move into this century and take advantage of social media that puts the shop out there where everyone can see whats happening from day to day. This doesnt mean I wont blog anymore though.
So, registrations are open for the Albany retreat being held on the 24th - 26th August at Middleton Beach. Please email me if you are interested in attending the retreat as there are still places available.
Registrations for the Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat on the 19th of October are open in 3 weeks so stay tuned.
I'd like to share some the layouts I taught at the June Albany retreat...firstly my 'Frame It' layouts using the gorgeous This & That range by Echo Park....
Also, my 'City Skylines' layouts with mutitudes of photos...
Recently I had the pleasure of attending trade classes with Tim Holtz so I feel like a full bottle on all things distress. I have created layouts using distress techniques that are so much fun to do. These can only be shared in a class as they are complex. I have more classes planned with these techniques, and perhaps will share some at the October retreat.
I hope all is well with you and yours! Thanks for looking.
So, registrations are open for the Albany retreat being held on the 24th - 26th August at Middleton Beach. Please email me if you are interested in attending the retreat as there are still places available.
Registrations for the Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat on the 19th of October are open in 3 weeks so stay tuned.
I'd like to share some the layouts I taught at the June Albany retreat...firstly my 'Frame It' layouts using the gorgeous This & That range by Echo Park....
Also, my 'City Skylines' layouts with mutitudes of photos...
Recently I had the pleasure of attending trade classes with Tim Holtz so I feel like a full bottle on all things distress. I have created layouts using distress techniques that are so much fun to do. These can only be shared in a class as they are complex. I have more classes planned with these techniques, and perhaps will share some at the October retreat.
I hope all is well with you and yours! Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Whats been happening...
Well I have recovered really well from the accident and feel almost 100%. Thanks to everyone who left comments and emailed me to wish me well. Its times like this I really appreciate the friendships I have formed over the years through scrapbooking.
I have recovered quite a bit of stock also and lost about a third of what was in my car so I'll have to have a salvage sale I think. The damage was a lot less worse than I orginally thought when I got out of the car and saw paper flying across the paddock! I'm still feeling incredibly thankful that I walked away and no-one was with me.
Well, the show must go on as they say so I was off to Albany last Friday for yet another retreat. It was a great weekend all round, even with a couple of little dramas, and everyone had a good time - at least I hope they did. We had a fantastic view of the Albany harbour from our class room (see picture) that was priceless, and good weather as well.
Be back soon with more to share. Thanks for looking!
I have recovered quite a bit of stock also and lost about a third of what was in my car so I'll have to have a salvage sale I think. The damage was a lot less worse than I orginally thought when I got out of the car and saw paper flying across the paddock! I'm still feeling incredibly thankful that I walked away and no-one was with me.
Well, the show must go on as they say so I was off to Albany last Friday for yet another retreat. It was a great weekend all round, even with a couple of little dramas, and everyone had a good time - at least I hope they did. We had a fantastic view of the Albany harbour from our class room (see picture) that was priceless, and good weather as well.
I have loads of layouts to share over the next few weeks but this is one of my 'no brainer' (simple) layouts that we did.
Be back soon with more to share. Thanks for looking!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Unfortunate event...
Hello everyone. Just a quick post to let you know I was involved in a serious car accident on Wednesday which I FORTUNATELY walked away from. I crashed my car on a gravel road and my car was full of scrapbooking supplies. I am so blessed that I am ok and the car and stock can be replaced. Please bare with me while I sort out what I can salvage from the accident and I will be back to post at a later date with layouts to share and information on coming retreats etc. I have lots to share but have to sort out the immediate issues at hand. Love to you all xxx
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The countdown has begun to the next retreat which is in Albany on the 22nd of June. There is less than 4 weeks to go now! Part one of the class requirements goes out today so if you are booked in stay tuned. If you haven't booked a place there are still a few left. I am so excited once again to be going to Albany - such a beautiful place.
Currently I am in South Australia for my husbands Nana's 90th birthday. There are 200 of us that have hit the sleepy little fishing town, Streaky Bay on the Eyre Peninsula. The town is used to these reunions where the family gets together. We are so excited to see Matt's Nana reach this milestone as she is our only living grandparent.
I am eager to share some sneak peaks of the classes we will be doing at Albany so will be back during the week when I get a chance to photograph them.
Bye for now and thanks for looking!
Currently I am in South Australia for my husbands Nana's 90th birthday. There are 200 of us that have hit the sleepy little fishing town, Streaky Bay on the Eyre Peninsula. The town is used to these reunions where the family gets together. We are so excited to see Matt's Nana reach this milestone as she is our only living grandparent.
I am eager to share some sneak peaks of the classes we will be doing at Albany so will be back during the week when I get a chance to photograph them.
Bye for now and thanks for looking!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Forever Fall....
The Forever Fall range by Bo Bunny released a little while ago has been a favourite of mine and I came across the perfect photo recently to work with the range once again. I really enjoyed the colour palette of both the papers and the photos so I played with Dusty Attic chipboard, my favourite new product, SMOOCH, and some bling and flowers - a perfect combo. And this is what I came up with...
Then I played with the same sketch with a black and white photo and a monochromatic white/black/grey colour palette and ended up with a completely different look - will have to show tomorrow as the scanned version is not good - promise to photograph it and share soon.
Thanks to the Lake King and Lake Grace gals who attended my classes this week and made it fun - I love coming to see you all!
Thanks for looking - back soon. x
Then I played with the same sketch with a black and white photo and a monochromatic white/black/grey colour palette and ended up with a completely different look - will have to show tomorrow as the scanned version is not good - promise to photograph it and share soon.
Thanks to the Lake King and Lake Grace gals who attended my classes this week and made it fun - I love coming to see you all!
Thanks for looking - back soon. x
Saturday, April 28, 2012
A layout to share...
This week the Newdegate and Lake Grace girls came to my shop for a day of scrapbooking. It was so lovely to have them here and they loved the choice of supplies. We did a few layouts. Here are a couple of them. Firstly, my first photo of a dragon fly - I finally got one! I used new Bo Bunny Ambrosia papers, and a little Dusty Attic chipboard. I kept this one simple so the focus is on the photo.

Next, my attempt at making my photos look like polaroids...love them but dont have any! I took these photos at the Australia Butterfly Sanctary - just magical!

I am now preparing the application for the next retreat in Albany, hoping to have those out early next week. Then, to participate in National Scrapbooking Day which is on the 5th May (its world wide actually) I am having a crop-in-store night on Friday the 4th of May.
Lastly, a couple of layouts I did at the last Albany retreat which I dont think I got to share. The Paradise range by Little Yellow Bicycle is a new favourite of mine and I just love the texture of these papers - like fabric.

I also did the same layout in My Minds Eye - Fly A Kite...

Thats all for today...thanks for looking.
Friday, April 13, 2012
More layouts to share...
Back again with some more layouts to share from the recent Hyden retreat. The first 3 were from Toni Crane who once again had gorgeous layouts that were popular and well received. Thanks Toni - your classes are a dream to prepare for! 

Next, Mel Connell wowed us with her very 3D layouts that were fun to construct and the end results were amazing. Thanks for sharing your creativity Mel!

Lastly, Jen Burns off the page Dusty Attic display frames were a hit! We kept running out of product for kits because they were so popular. Jens wide array of techniques were inspirational. Thanks Jen for finally making it to teach at Hyden.
It was a pleasure to have all 3 tutors and I am grateful you all accepted.
New in store are some gorgeous new ranges by Little Yellow Bicycle. The newest is Swoon, a wedding range (with a difference)...very elegant, as well as 2 ranges called Saturdays (lots of denim) and Paradise (cute as!). All 3 ranges are stunning and I am hoping to get to work with them to create some class layouts.

Thought I should mention my next retreat which is in Albany on the 22nd of June 2012. Location to be confirmed shortly but numbers will be limited so you'll have to be quick to get your name in once registrations open. More on that soon but I created one of my class layouts today and I love it so I hope you will too!
Bye for now and thanks for looking. xx
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Sweet satisfaction...
Hi all! Well, the retreat is over and everything is moved back into the shop which is now clean and has a fresh new look, hence the title 'sweet satisfaction'...it feels so good to have had such a great retreat where everyone was pretty realxed, inspired and genuinely enjoyed themselves - mission accomplished. Thank you to all of you who attended the retreat and made it the success that it was - I love catching up with you all. To those who couldnt make it, there is always next time...the 21st of October 2012 in fact. Thats when we do it all over again with another great line up of tutors and classes. Cant wait! Here are my class layouts from this retreat. The classes went well and the variations the girls came up with were gorgeous!

I'm now preparing for my next Albany retreat which is on the 22nd of June. Really looking forward to this one.
HAPPY EASTER! Bye for now xxx
Sunday, March 18, 2012
More sneak peaks...
Class requirements have been sent out for the retreat which is only 2 weeks away...very exciting now. If you haven't received the requirements and you are booked in please let me know. We still have a few spaces left if you would like to come....its not too late.
Here are a few close ups of Jen Burns OTP project - just stunning and full of technique!
I have loads of new stock arriving...its like Christmas. So many people have suggested I open an online store over the years but there are just not enough hours in the day for me to go there, however, I am only too happy to mail order so if you see anything you like online email me and I'll let you know if I can get it. Also, if you see any layouts you like on my blog I can always make up kits and send them. Class kit order forms for the retreat are also out so if you cant make it to the retreat there is always the option of ordering the kits anyway which come with instructions.
Back soon, bye for now.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
More sneak peaks...
Hidy Ho! I finally have more to share....yay! Here are the sneak peaks for Mel Connells class layouts....they are gorgeous...

Back with more soon. xx
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Retreat update...
Hi folks! Just a quick update to let you know where we are up to with the March retreat in Hyden. Firstly the scary but exciting part...there is only 4 weeks to go as of tomorrow! Thanks to all of you who have registered and sent emails saying how excited you are. There is still time and spaces to register if you havent.
We are using gorgeous new ranges just released at CHA in the USA for class samples and I am eagerly awaiting their arrival.
Toni Crane is using new ranges by Kaisercraft which are just lovely. Here are a couple of sneak peaks of her layouts.

That's all for now. x
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Retreating in Albany...

We are currently in Albany for a retreat at Emu Point Holiday Park (I highly recommend this place!) where the weather is perfect, the company awesome, the scrapbooking plentiful and the food to die for. What more could a girl want? We have had some 'pants wetting' moments as well....comment of the weekend goes to Rowena - we were talking about our weight issues and she made the comment to someone that she had not yet lost her 'baby weight', still working on getting it off. When asked how old her baby is, she answered "22". Maybe you had to be there but we roared with laughter. I will remember that story...
Anyway, we have made some fantastic memories. Looking forward to the Hyden retreat now on the 30th of March. If you havent received the brochure and application and would like to attend email me and I will forward the information to you.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Scrappin Outback
the 14th Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat
30th, 31st March & 1st April 2012
I am so pleased to announce that registrations are open for the March 2012
retreat! I am so looking forward to the retreat once again and would love it if
you would join me for a weekend full of inspiration, laughs, good company and a
great shopping experience for scrapbooking supplies.
retreat! I am so looking forward to the retreat once again and would love it if
you would join me for a weekend full of inspiration, laughs, good company and a
great shopping experience for scrapbooking supplies.
Brochures and applications out shortly...
Thursday, January 19, 2012
New Basic Grey 'Kissing Booth'...

Also new in store are lots of yummy Thickers which after all these years, even with the adhesive issues!, I still love Thickers and especially the new fonts. I will be using them for class layouts for sure as they are awesome! I am working on classes for February...getting the creative juices flowing again. Its tricky after being stuck in book work mode for a couple of weeks! Looking forward to cranking up 2012 classes though.
Thanks for looking! Back soon.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Scrappin’ Outback
The Albany 'Emu Point' Scrapbooking Retreat
17th – 19th February 2012
You are invited to join me for a weekend of scrapbooking at the Emu Point Holiday Park, in beautiful Albany, W.A. The retreat will commence at 3:00pm on Friday 17th February through to 3:00pm Sunday 19th February 2012. Classes will be held throughout the weekend with lots of inspiration, tips and tricks. There will also be plenty of time for social scrapbooking and shopping of course! All meals (excluding breakfast) will be provided.
Contact Karen Smith on
98 805300 (Wk), 98805761(A/H) or 0427 977 672
Or email scrappinoutback@bigpond.com
to book and for further details.
The Albany 'Emu Point' Scrapbooking Retreat
17th – 19th February 2012
You are invited to join me for a weekend of scrapbooking at the Emu Point Holiday Park, in beautiful Albany, W.A. The retreat will commence at 3:00pm on Friday 17th February through to 3:00pm Sunday 19th February 2012. Classes will be held throughout the weekend with lots of inspiration, tips and tricks. There will also be plenty of time for social scrapbooking and shopping of course! All meals (excluding breakfast) will be provided.
Contact Karen Smith on
98 805300 (Wk), 98805761(A/H) or 0427 977 672
Or email scrappinoutback@bigpond.com
to book and for further details.
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