That's all for today...there is heaps more to share but gotta get some creating done...Bye for now.
Bye for now...thanks for looking!
It's a vintage layout using a black and white photo (or sepia) but would also suit more recent photos as well. More to come...
And finally a new Black, white and cream range by Teresa Collins. These papers are lovely and very versatile.
I mostly have packs in at the moment for a lot of ranges as they are very affordable and handy for anyone who likes to buy coordinated papers to take the rocket science out of choosing things that match!
I have been scrapbooking quite a bit and have loads of layouts to show that I need to photograph so bare with me and I will get to it soon.
I have some kits for a great boys layout using Crate Paper Toy Box range complete with instructions for anyone who needs some inspiration to get them kick started...here is the layout...
That's all for today...be back soon...