I am calling for expressions of interest for a day of
scrapbooking classes (3 in total - morning,
arvo and evening) in ALBANY on the
27th of August 2011 (finally!.. says Ann!!). Yes,
I've finally decided it's time to get out and about again and share the LOVE and passion of
scrapbooking, and Albany is beckoning. If you would like to attend and know more about the day you can contact me at my shop on 08 98805300, or mobile 0427 977 672 or email me at
scrappinoutback@bigpond.com and I will note your expression of interest, tell you more details and keep you informed with more information as it becomes available. I am intending to do 3 classes of layouts (Albany has some local talent who teach great Off The Page projects) varying from single page - one photo layouts, to 'cram as many photos as you can on a layout' double pages. Hopefully this rattles your chain and I will be hearing from you soon! If you live somewhere else in WA and would like someone to come to you to share some
scrapbooking lurve then contact me and I will consider it. I am thinking maybe
Esperance in August as well....?
A little while back I did these 2 layouts of the kids with a Monarch butterfly that they found. The large butterfly on Phoebe's layout is handmade by a lady I met who makes them out of acetate and decorates them with glitter and bling so I just had to have some for my shop.
The papers are all by Basic Grey (of course!)