Firstly, the most exciting thing that as happened to me is realising my dream of opening my own scrapbook shop. It is finally a reality and all up and running. It took Amy (my new assistant) and I a couple of weeks to get it all set up - I had far more stock than I realised! - and now most of my stock is on display and looking good. The response from people who walk in, which is all good, has made it all worth while and is very encouraging. Its great to see so many people excited about this wonderful craft. I have loads of girls who want to start scrapbooking and loads who just appreciate now having a shop in close proximity. I must say Hyden is a fantastic place to have a shop - I'm loving it here. So here are some pics to show it off although you have to see it for yourself. I'm really pleased with how it looks.

Then there's National Scrapbooking Day this Saturday the 2nd of May. To celebrate I am having an opening day and all day crop in the new shop to christen it and to toast to many happy scrapping times ahead. I cant wait to have a room full of excited scrappers busily scrapping away and enjoying each others company.
Lastly, for today, my brother Dean has made it through a very severe dose of chemo and a series of infections. He is now out of hospital and has a month to build strength, put on weight and recover. Miraculously he is in remission which originally they though he wasn't so in the short term things are looking up - for which we have our God to thank. In the long term things are still not looking good but as always we remain hopeful for miracles. It has been difficult to say the least but we are so grateful that he is well at the moment. My sister-in-law needs a medal by the way for her devotion and love to Dean. Cant be thankful enough.
That's all for today. Hopefully I'll be back soon with some more things to report on. I have been working on a layout (speaking of miracles!) and I have some new stock to show once I have photos. Bye for now.
Love the look of the new shop, wish I could be there for the opening day. Looking forward to coming up and seeing it for myself!!
Cheers, Ann
wow so nice for a dream to come true. But don't stop dreaming. Can't wait to come over and check it out.
Congratulations - the shop looks great :) Great to hear Dean pulled through his treatment :) Lis
Hi Karen
Have fun today...wish I could come and scrap but netball calls!!
Sarah Argent
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