Well overdue for an update so here goes...

I had alot going on in early August with classes and such then on the 10th we flew to the Sunshine Coast in QLD for a wedding and a holiday. It was Matt's brothers wedding, Corban, who married the very beautiful Jaimee. Here's a photo of the bride and groom, and the flower girls of which Phoebe was one of them...she was missing her 2 front teeth...

The wedding was beautiful of course and the first week of our holiday was spent on the lead up to the wedding with Matt's family. Then we celebrated Matt's 30th birthday with his family at the Ettamogah Pub which was loads of fun. Here's the birthday boy.

We spent another 5 days in QLD with amazing sunny weather which was very relaxing. Then it was back to Hyden to catch up with work as well as preparation for Matt's second 30th birthday party. We celebrated it at the Hyden Hotel with 50 friends and had a really special time.
Only a day or 2 later we were off to the Newdegate Field Days where I have a stall each year and we did pretty well, but were exhausted by the time it was over. A day at home then it was Phoebes 6th Birthday so we celebrated that and Fathers Day as a family. Now we are head down and tail up catching up on work again. I'm not complaining about now busy we have been - its great that life is good and we don't have time to get into trouble or slack off!
Since I've been back i have been on to organising the 9th Wave Rock Scrapbooking Retreat which is proving to be popular judging by the amount of applicants we have already. If you have not received a brochure and application form contact me at scrappinoutback@bigpond.com as we have had a few glitches with the group email I sent out a couple of weeks ago.
We have had loads of new stock in recently, especially products for classes at the retreat. It is so yummy! There is too much to show it all but Basic Grey have just released Indian Summer and Eskimo Kisses and we have these ranges in stock. Here are the picks...

I am currently working on classes for next week - a comprehensive look at inking, masks and other techniques. I'll upload photos late next week hopefully of the final layouts. This class series is something I have been wanting to do for a while and I am really long forward to sharing it.
We have quite a bit of new gift ware in store now so if you're ever close by you should pop in and check it out...if you can pry yourself away from the scrapbooking stuff!
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