Not long after my last post I left for a 3 day trip to 2 neighbouring towns, Ravensthorpe and Jerramungup where I taught classes and took the shop. It turned out to be the best thing for me - a welcome distraction to all the dramas of late, and good for business. I had such a great time meeting new girls and catching up with old friends...good for the soul. So after 400km's and 2 towns, I was back at home again for a great day with local scrappers then off the following day to Newdegate for another great day...have I mentioned before how much I love my job? well I do. I have made such good friends.
Speaking of friends, Sally from Jerramungup had the opening of her 'Happy Scrappy Monday' scrapbooking group while I was at her place. She turned her garage into a scrapbook room with all the trims and whistles. Her passion is infectious so she attracted a lot of girls and many laughs were had. Here's a photo of her homemade sign inside the scrapbook room and some photos on me and Sal and my good friend Ann.

Back to reality now and its not so bad. Jett got croup before I left so we have been sleep deprived for the last week but he's on the mend now. My brother, Dean is now on the mend as well after being in hospital for 4 weeks with infections. He is still in hospital but if all goes well he should be out soon for a well deserved break before the bone marrow transplant. I am so relieved that he is doing better as it has been so worrying. I feel so helpless at times and that I cant do enough.
Well it's nearly the end of the financial year and my annual album sale has been a success. I have sold sooo many and could have sold more had I been able to get more of the popular ones which are in short supply, due to their popularity. I do have more on order so stocks will be back to normal soon. I have been sorting through what seems like ship loads of stock and reducing prices on a lot of items to make way for the ever increasing new ranges that are constantly been released - it's such a fashion industry!
I started 2 layouts while on my travels but have not had a chance to finish them...maybe today! I hope to find time to scrap now, after a little more sorting and cleaning. I forgot to show the other projects I did in Brisbane so will do so in the next day or 2, however one project is not complete because I'm waiting on supplies to arrive.
Thanks for visiting and for your patience if you've been visiting often and not seeing anything new!
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