We are currently in Albany for a retreat at Emu Point Holiday Park (I highly recommend this place!) where the weather is perfect, the company awesome, the scrapbooking plentiful and the food to die for. What more could a girl want? We have had some 'pants wetting' moments as well....comment of the weekend goes to Rowena - we were talking about our weight issues and she made the comment to someone that she had not yet lost her 'baby weight', still working on getting it off. When asked how old her baby is, she answered "22". Maybe you had to be there but we roared with laughter. I will remember that story...
Anyway, we have made some fantastic memories. Looking forward to the Hyden retreat now on the 30th of March. If you havent received the brochure and application and would like to attend email me and I will forward the information to you.