There's nothing like a deadline or 2 to make the creative juices flow, or so you hope! I've been working on a commissioned album lately - 21 years of a young man's life in photos all jammed into one album. I've made a start and got through the baby photos and school layouts but there is tonnes to I'm working on that still.
But also, found some inspiration yesterday to get started on scrapbooking some of Deans life in photos for some classes I am preparing for. I am so happy with the results - the layouts are coming together well and I am super-sizing the photos so you can see all the detail - cant wait to show these layouts soon.
Sharon Manning kindly edited this photo for me that Mum took of me holding Deans hand only hours before he passed away...thanks Sharon...this is so sentimental. Hope to scrap it one day...

I'm off to Newdegate for a class next Wednesday and hopefully some classes here in Hyden when all the girls come out of the woodwork from school holidays. That's all for now...Bye.