It's time now that we have laid Dean to rest for me to move forward (not move on). I am at home now and have been blessed by some special friends who cleaned my house, did my
ironing and left me cookies, and another special friend who detailed my car. There have been countless text
messages, phone calls, emails and cards from so many of my much loved friends, so thank you to all those wonderful people. I was stunned when Dean died although I knew it was coming and now it is sinking in. I have so many special memories of him and fortunately loads of gorgeous photos that I hope to scrapbook. Here a couple of my favourite photos...there are too may to show them all!

Amy and I are stocktaking at the shop this week and we have an EOFYS sale on for the rest of the week...20% off all scrapbooking supplies and giftware so if you need some bargains then this would be a great time to get them! We are only to happy to mail out orders. We have new goodies in store as well.
I hope to get some
scrapbooking done soon as think it
wil be good for the soul...bye for now.