The classroom has been buzzing this week with our Tuesday night class and social
scrapbooking today. Now that school has gone back the girls have come out of the woodwork to scrap and we had a full house today. My shop is in a shopping centre that has a supermarket, butcher, bank, newsagent, chemist and clothing store and the other shop owners commented on how much activity there was in the store today with laughter and chatter going on all day. I am thriving on this as you would imagine - the company especially. We even had a new gal today who has never scrapped before and she was addicted within the hour, as well as a lovely lady all the way from NZ who is staying here for 3 months. She rang before she came to oz to see what the shop was like and what we do - she is now hooked...classic! Love what I do. Here's a pic of Tuesday nights class with the girls looking through eye candy...

I am currently choosing gift ware for the shop in preparation for Fathers Day and of course Christmas which is now only 5 months away and don't you worry, that will go very fast. I have lots of goodies on order - something for everyone. I also have new scrapbook supplies arriving weekly. I got a little of October Afternoon 'Cheery Hill' today and have more coming soon. My mind is buzzing with ideas for using all the new goodies.
I am holding a
Cricut clinic in
Newdegate next Wednesday and in
Hyden next Thursday. You can contact me at if you are interested in attending one of these classes. Gayle Smith has designed a layout for the class and its gorgeous! See her blog (in right column) for the layouts. I'm busily getting mine finished...thinks its going to be great - I hope!
That's all for today folks.