Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Starting out...

Well this is it folks... I've decided to move into the blogging world to leave my mark and keep all my friends and clients up to date with whats happening in the outback scrapbook culture in country least in my neck of the woods. I never thought I'd need to take this step but as my client base expands far and wide I feel the need to keep in touch so here goes...bare with me though, I'm new to this and not very computor literate. My husband wonders where I'm going to find the time to blog but he still doesnt understand the female sex and what lengths we'll go to to talk to other women...even online! I do need to get my 20,000 words out each day and not all of them need to be about farming!

So whats been happening? I've just completed the monumental task of running two scrapbook retreats only 4 weeks apart. The first in Condingup (60kms east of Esperance on the south east coast in W.A.) on the 14th-16th of September in their lovely community centre. This was the first of hopefully many more at Condy and judging by the feedback I've received from those who attended and those who could not, it will happen again next year...dates TBA. (G'day Condy girls!) Then after restocking and more packing it was off to Hyden at the Town Hall on the 19th-21st of October. This was the 5th retreat in Hyden which started out in July 2005 nad is now held at the end of March and 3rd weekend in October each year. Gradually the word has got around that this is alot of fun and we had 32 ladies at this last retreat with talented tutors Lis Cassey, Sharon Manning and Alli Paterson teaching 6 classes over 2 days. This was by far the best retreat we've had in the best location so we'll be sticking to what we know and doing it all over again on the 28th-30th of March 2008. So write this in your diaries and book your babysitters!

These are some of the class layouts and projects we did at the Hyden Retreat - they were all great.

To view them properly (not sure if I've done this right!) you can go to the tutor blogs in the list above.

In my next post I'll hopefully show you my layouts from the classes (that I did after the retreat!).

So thats it for this post, sorry it's so long...just beacuse it's the first one and all.

Ciao, Karen Smith - Scrappin' Outback's sole owner!